Thursday, December 22, 2011


Over the past week the spirit in our home has gone from one of shock and fear to one of hope and perseverance. It has been very helpful to be surrounded by the love of family and friends at this time and your presence has helped us to remain positive.
Last night Pete and I were talking and I asked him if it bothered him when I told people, "worse things have happened," in reference to his diagnosis. He said it didn't and reminded me that we are so blessed and have so much to be thankful for. Just the mere fact that we are not even 3 weeks into this and already have a treatment plan scheduled to start tomorrow with the initiation of chemo, speaks volumes. We are blessed.
I have seen the hand of God working in our situation in more ways than one. Just last night total strangers showed up on our doorstep bearing Christmas goodies. When I answered the door they said, "Someone in Westhampton, MA really loves you." It turns out that they are cousins of some old congregation members of my mother-in-law's church in Westhampton. Wow, this is just one example of how God has demonstrated His love to us during this time. And when supported by a God this marvelous, how can one be in fear?
The Lord commands us, "Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your god will be with you wherever you may go." Joshua 1:9
This verse reminds us not to be in fear. We have had many stage IV cancer survivors reach out to us during this time and they are living proof that it's possible to overcome this. Pete told me last night that he sees this as a multi-step process yet to be completed. Today we can check one of those steps off our list with the start of chemo.
However, we are still in need of prayers as this journey progresses. Please pray that as Pete starts chemo that he would feel surrounded with love and peace. Please pray for wisdom and knowledge of the doctors and nurses treating him. Please pray for my strength and patience as I care for our family. And lastly, please pray God would be continually molding us into His image through this experience.