Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Switch

Pete and I have shared some very "raw"moments over the past week. Time spent with our heads bowed before the Lord in fervent prayer. Time spent wrapped in each other's arms as we weep together at the thought of being prematurely torn away from each other should the unthinkable happen. Time discussing health insurance coverage, life insurance, savings plans, etc... Time discussing treatment plans and options. The list goes on and on.
However an ongoing theme seems to be my desire to save him from this situation. "I wish I could just take it all away," or, "I wish I could trade places with you," I will say. But, he always responds with the same, "I don't." 
My husband, is perhaps, one of the most selfless people I know. That's one of the reasons I was drawn to him when we first began dating; he always put me first. And now that he has a family, he has not changed. He has only become more selfless as time has passed. His desire to help others is incredible. His ability to always see what I need before I even ask him is a real gift. And even in these most terrifying moments he has not wavered in his desire to provide the absolute best for his family. He is my hero. 
He is a caretaker at heart, therefore he has a difficult time when faced with the possibility that in the very near future he will be forced to lean on others for support. 
This is also something I struggle with. While Skyping with my dear friend in Abu Dhabi yesterday she said something that really hit home. She said, "You have done a lot for people and now it's your turn Alysha." Her comment was very humbling. And she's right. Accepting the help of others will be a skill we will both have to learn as time goes by. God is in the process of teaching us a lesson in dependence and love and we must not miss this opportunity to learn from our Master. 
We have been so blessed by the way people have offered to stand beside us during this journey. Thank you all for your continued love and support.

With love,


1 comment:

  1. Please tell Pete that your entire family is in my prayers. I remember Pete as a young airman at Beale. Greg would often come home and say he was one of the brightest, hard working airman that he supervised. It will be this strength, hard work and determination that will carry him through. Please know that the girls and I will pray daily for Pete, your children and you as you all fight the toughest battle of your lives. If you don't mind, I would also like to pass this on to our prayer chain (with a first name only).

    Robin Goyea and girls
