Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Decisions, decisions

Just yesterday Pete received a call from the oncologist to inform him of the general consensus reached between herself, the surgeon, and the radiation oncologist. First and foremost, he has been granted another week free of chemo. Woohoo! Secondly, they have decided to continue with the systemic therapy (chemo) but they will be administering it in a different way. Instead of the IV infusion he will have a port installed sometime in the next week which will be placed under the skin on his chest. This is an easy way for them to administer the chemo drugs, draw blood and run tests without having to prick him every time. In addition he will be given the drugs over a period of 48 hours therefore eliminating the pill form of chemo he was once taking every day for two weeks. He will also be on 2 week cycles of of a lower dose of chemo in place of the standard 3 week cycles.
So, this is the plan for now. We are still heavily pursuing various clinical trials which seem very promising. Please pray that we would find the right treatment plan for Pete. Whether it be a clinical trial or standard treatment we are anxious to find something that works. 

Thank you all for your continued love and support. 


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