Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Test Results are IN {And there's no change!}

    Many of you have been anxiously awaiting an update on the pending test results from last weeks scans. Our time away in Yosemite was intended to keep our minds occupied while the results were made available and that it did do; until our drive back. The drive home was filled with anxiety as Pete awaited a call from the oncologist to discuss the results but the call never came. I think I may have asked him every 10 minutes if his phone had rang or if he wanted to call the office again. He may have been slightly annoyed :( Anyways, the call never came and by the time we got home it was too late to request a report from imaging. We went to bed with heavy hearts as we prayed before God asking Him to calm our nerves as we awaited an explanation the following day. prayers were answered. My anxiety was lessened and I slept very well. So well, that when Pete woke up and announced he was off to the imaging office to pick up a copy of the scan results, I realized it had completely escaped my me.
    So, the results weren't at all what we had hoped for but in a way they confirmed what we had been feeling; that there's been no change over three rounds of chemo. You might be wondering what this means. We're not really sure. For now Pete has postponed his fourth chemo treatment which was originally scheduled for tomorrow. We are going to meet with the oncologist tomorrow afternoon to discuss possibilities for radiation and surgery before doing more chemo. And of course, we are going to continue praying. We are going to pray  God would give us the wisdom to make the right choice for Pete's health and for our family. And we're going to pray for the hands of the physicians as they decide the best path for continuing treatment. Please join us in praying for the same and we will keep you updated as information is made available. 

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